
[Selena Gomez & The scene] Hit the lights - Apaga las luces

[Nightmare] Gianizm ten - Gianizm diez

487 / [The drifters] Under the broadwalk - Bajo el sendero junto al mar

[One Ok Rock] Rose blood - Rosa sangre

[Katy Perry] The one that got away - El que escapó

Namie Amuro - Love story (Historia de amor)

[Nikki Jean] My love - Mi amor

[Kelly Clarkson] Mr. Know it all - Sr. Sabelotodo

[Miyavi] Survive - Sobrevivir

[Monoral] Session 9 - Sesión 9

[Kara] Winter magic - La magia del invierno

[JUJU] Lullaby of Birdland - Canción de cuna de Birdland*

[David Guetta & Usher] Without you - Sin ti

[Coldplay] Paradise - Paraíso

[Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris] We found love – Encontramos amor

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